Digi Panthiya

Build a unique, compact e-learning digital space

The spread of Covid 19 posed rapid changes in human activity in every corner of the world. Education is one of the affected sectors due to the pandemic. Ultimately, with the help of technology, the global education system has abruptly transformed into distance learning or e-learning. E-learning proved that it has the potential to share knowledge and educate people more than anything if there is an outbreak of a pandemic or not.

As a company, International Digi Service Network came up with a creative and innovative solution Digi Panthiya, that solves the distance learning problem in Sri Lanka. They wanted to build a platform where tutors and students could perform the tutoring and learning process in one digital space. They knew SilverlineIT was always the best option when turning creativity into a miraculous outcome.

Universal Solution for E-learning

No matter where the users live or which devices they use, DiGi Panthiya provides fully-fledged digital space. A unique and responsive user interface allows access to conferencing, resource-sharing, assessment organizing features, and many more.

User is In Charge

From the tutor to the student, they are in charge of controlling their accounts. We are experts in problem-solving. Therefore, we designed a system in which students can manage their learning materials and payments while tutors have control over conducting their live classes, resources, and conferences.

Useful Features with Impressive Design

As a company, SilverlineIT loves to work in a collaborative environment. We prepared the table to share their imagination, so we could build an impressive design they imagined.

Research-based User Experience

We did tons of research with cutting-edge prototyping tools to identify user objectives and requirements to build a perfect platform for e-learning. Our team is thrilled to explore new concepts and wireframe the ideal combinations to improve user experience.

Equipped to Grow with Users

We predicted and analyzed the active user growth before selecting the tools and technologies to build this digital space. We knew that choosing the right tech stack was vital for their business.
